UMC L180 – AGH University, Poland

UMC L180 – AGH University, Poland

PRINCSA – The Programmable Read-out with Improved Noise-performance Charge Sensitive Amplifier for microstrip sensors read-out

AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Measurement and Electronics, Kraków, Poland


Weronika Zubrzycka, Krzysztof Kasiński


UMC 180nm Mixed-Mode/RF

Die size

1565µm x 1565µm (mini@sic)

Design tool

Cadence v5.1.41-USR5


The Programmable Read-out with Improved Noise-performance Charge Sensitive Amplifier (PRINCSA) is a prototype ASIC dedicated for radiation imaging using silicon microstrip sensors.

The IC was designed to meet the tight requirements of the tracking detectors for High-Energy Experiments: low noise, charge processing speed (expected, near megahertz interaction rates), parameters uniformity in many channels, linearity up to 12 pF signal, and good resolution of time and amplitude measurements [1].

The main goal of this project was optimization of the overall system noise expressed as Equivalent Noise Charge, ENC lower than 1000 e- rms. The power supply interference is one of the factors that may compromise the charge measurement capabilities.

Layout of the PRINCSA IC
Simplified schematic of the implemented circuits
The DUT (Device Under Test) on the test board


Our department has used EUROPRACTICE service for many years. It is affordable and easily available for the prototyping purposes for teaching and research, especially for Ph.D. students. The mini@sic program is an excellent and cost-effective choice to test several new ideas and circuitries. We also appreciate the well-qualified technical support team, which is very important for the successful tape-out process.


[1] K. Kasinski et al., “Characterization of the STS/MUCH-XYTER2, a 128-channel time and amplitude measurement IC for gas and silicon microstrip sensors,” Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Phys. Research Sec. A, 908, 225–235, 2019.

[2] H. K. Soltveit et al., “The PreAmplifier ShAper for the ALICE TPC detector, “Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Phys. Research Sec. A, 676, 106–119, 2012.

[3] W. Zubrzycka, K. Kasinski, “Leakage current-induced effects in the silicon microstrip and gas electron multiplier readout chain and their compensation method,” J. Instrum. 13(4), T04003, 2018.

[4] T. Kishishita et al., “Low-noise analog ASIC for silicon and CdTe sensors,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 57 (2010) 2971.